Hi thereHi there! If you are here and trying to read these doodles then you’re probably a fan of the best mobile game in the RTS genre (real time strategy) in the world – Clash Royale! This blog is dedicated to this game! And here, on the pages of this site I’ll try to collect all various useful information about Clash Royale as well as lay out my own vision regarding the optimal battle decks, tactics etc.

I have three different accounts on different levels. My main one is “Pikerstrow”, where I have 11 lvl and play in Challener II. The rest two are: “Follower” (Challenger I) and “Spare me :(” (Arena 7). Short information about all my three acounts in the picture below:

Bloger accounts information

Regarding the clans … I am the leader of “B-B-FOLLOWERS” clan (shortened from “boom-beach-followers”) that was created just a few days  ago. We have only 3 participants.


So, as they say, you are welcome in my clan!

P.S. In addition to Clash Royale, I am also a big fan of another game from SuperCell – Boom Beach! If you also play this game – then maybe you will find something useful for yourself in my blog dedicated to this game – http://boom-beach-follower.com